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Data table of post-processed observations of students ever enrolled in, and students graduating from, the four programs of the case study. Keyed by student ID. Provided for the convenience of vignette users.




data.table with 8917 rows and 5 columns. The variables are:


Character, de-identified student ID. Key column.


Character, race/ethnicity as self-reported by the student, e.g., Asian, Black, Hispanic, etc.


Character, sex as self-reported by the student, possible values are Female, Male, and Unknown.


Character, academic program label.


Character, indicating the grouping (ever_enrolled or graduates) to which an observation belongs.


Starting with the case-study starting pool of students ever enrolled in the four programs of the study (Civil, Electrical, Industrial/Systems, and Mechanical Engineering), we filtered the data for data sufficiency, degree seeking, program, and timely completion.

A data frame of "ever enrolled" and a data frame of "timely graduates" were bound using shared column names and are distinguished in the bloc variable. This data structure facilitates grouping and summarizing by race, sex, program, and group.

See also

Other case-study-data: baseline_mcid, study_programs, study_results