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Subset a CIP data frame, retaining rows that match or partially match a vector of character strings. Columns are not subset unless selected in an optional argument.


filter_cip(keep_text = NULL, ..., drop_text = NULL, cip = NULL, select = NULL)



Character vector of search text for retaining rows, not case-sensitive. Can be empty if drop_text is used.


Not used, force later arguments to be used by name


Optional character vector of search text for dropping rows, default NULL.


Data frame to be searched. Default cip.


Optional character vector of column names to return, default all columns.


A data.table subset of cip with the following properties:

  • Rows matching elements of keep_text but excluding rows matching elements of drop_text.

  • All columns or those specified by select.

  • Grouping structures are not preserved.


Search terms can include regular expressions. Uses grepl(), therefore non-character columns (if any) that can be coerced to character are also searched for matches. Columns are subset by the values in select after the search concludes.

If none of the optional arguments are specified, the function returns the original data frame.


# Subset using keywords
filter_cip(keep_text = "engineering")
#>      cip2                                         cip2name cip4
#>   1:   14                                      Engineering 1401
#>   2:   14                                      Engineering 1401
#>   3:   14                                      Engineering 1402
#>   4:   14                                      Engineering 1403
#>   5:   14                                      Engineering 1404
#>  ---                                                           
#> 115:   15                           Engineering Technology 1516
#> 116:   15                           Engineering Technology 1599
#> 117:   29                            Military Technologies 2903
#> 118:   29                            Military Technologies 2903
#> 119:   51 Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences 5123
#>                                                     cip4name   cip6
#>   1:                                    Engineering, General 140101
#>   2:                                    Engineering, General 140102
#>   3:   Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering 140201
#>   4: Agricultural, Biological Engineering and Bioengineering 140301
#>   5:                               Architectural Engineering 140401
#>  ---                                                               
#> 115:                                          Nanotechnology 151601
#> 116:    Engineering-Related Technologies, Technicians, Other 159999
#> 117:                               Military Applied Sciences 290301
#> 118:                               Military Applied Sciences 290303
#> 119:              Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Professions 512312
#>                                                              cip6name
#>   1:                                             Engineering, General
#>   2:                                                  Pre-Engineering
#>   3:     Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical, Space Engineering
#>   4:          Agricultural, Biological Engineering and Bioengineering
#>   5:                                        Architectural Engineering
#>  ---                                                                 
#> 115:                                                   Nanotechnology
#> 116:             Engineering Related Technologies, Technicians, Other
#> 117:                                       Combat Systems Engineering
#> 118:                                            Engineering Acoustics
#> 119: Assistive, Augmentative Technology and Rehabiliation Engineering

# \donttest{
    # Multiple passes to narrow the results
    first_pass <- filter_cip("civil")
    second_pass <- filter_cip("engineering", cip = first_pass)
    filter_cip(drop_text = "technology", cip = second_pass)
#>    cip2    cip2name cip4          cip4name   cip6
#> 1:   14 Engineering 1408 Civil Engineering 140801
#> 2:   14 Engineering 1408 Civil Engineering 140802
#> 3:   14 Engineering 1408 Civil Engineering 140803
#> 4:   14 Engineering 1408 Civil Engineering 140804
#> 5:   14 Engineering 1408 Civil Engineering 140805
#> 6:   14 Engineering 1408 Civil Engineering 140899
#>                                  cip6name
#> 1:             Civil Engineering, General
#> 2:               Geotechnical Engineering
#> 3:                 Structural Engineering
#> 4: Transportation and Highway Engineering
#> 5:            Water Resources Engineering
#> 6:               Civil Engineering, Other
    # drop_text argument, when used, must be named
    filter_cip("civil engineering", drop_text = "technology")
#>    cip2    cip2name cip4          cip4name   cip6
#> 1:   14 Engineering 1408 Civil Engineering 140801
#> 2:   14 Engineering 1408 Civil Engineering 140802
#> 3:   14 Engineering 1408 Civil Engineering 140803
#> 4:   14 Engineering 1408 Civil Engineering 140804
#> 5:   14 Engineering 1408 Civil Engineering 140805
#> 6:   14 Engineering 1408 Civil Engineering 140899
#>                                  cip6name
#> 1:             Civil Engineering, General
#> 2:               Geotechnical Engineering
#> 3:                 Structural Engineering
#> 4: Transportation and Highway Engineering
#> 5:            Water Resources Engineering
#> 6:               Civil Engineering, Other
    # Subset using numerical codes
    filter_cip(keep_text = c("050125", "160501"))
#>    cip2                                            cip2name cip4
#> 1:   05 Area, Ethnic, Cultural and Gender and Group Studies 0501
#> 2:   16      Foreign Languages, Literatures and Linguistics 1605
#>                                       cip4name   cip6
#> 1:                                Area Studies 050125
#> 2: Germanic Languages, Literatures Linguistics 160501
#>                          cip6name
#> 1:                 German Studies
#> 2: German Language and Literature
    # Subset using regular expressions
    filter_cip(keep_text = "^54")
#>    cip2 cip2name cip4 cip4name   cip6
#> 1:   54  History 5401  History 540101
#> 2:   54  History 5401  History 540102
#> 3:   54  History 5401  History 540103
#> 4:   54  History 5401  History 540104
#> 5:   54  History 5401  History 540105
#> 6:   54  History 5401  History 540106
#> 7:   54  History 5401  History 540107
#> 8:   54  History 5401  History 540108
#> 9:   54  History 5401  History 540199
#>                                               cip6name
#> 1:                                    History, General
#> 2:                    American History (United States)
#> 3:                                    European History
#> 4:    History and Philosophy of Science and Technology
#> 5: Public, Applied History and Archival Administration
#> 6:                                       Asian History
#> 7:                                    Canadian History
#> 8:                                    Military History
#> 9:                                      History, Other
    filter_cip(keep_text = c("^1407", "^1408"))
#>    cip2    cip2name cip4             cip4name   cip6
#> 1:   14 Engineering 1407 Chemical Engineering 140701
#> 2:   14 Engineering 1407 Chemical Engineering 140702
#> 3:   14 Engineering 1407 Chemical Engineering 140799
#> 4:   14 Engineering 1408    Civil Engineering 140801
#> 5:   14 Engineering 1408    Civil Engineering 140802
#> 6:   14 Engineering 1408    Civil Engineering 140803
#> 7:   14 Engineering 1408    Civil Engineering 140804
#> 8:   14 Engineering 1408    Civil Engineering 140805
#> 9:   14 Engineering 1408    Civil Engineering 140899
#>                                  cip6name
#> 1:                   Chemical Engineering
#> 2:  Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
#> 3:            Chemical Engineering, Other
#> 4:             Civil Engineering, General
#> 5:               Geotechnical Engineering
#> 6:                 Structural Engineering
#> 7: Transportation and Highway Engineering
#> 8:            Water Resources Engineering
#> 9:               Civil Engineering, Other
    # Select columns
    filter_cip(keep_text = "^54", select = c("cip6", "cip4name"))
#>      cip6 cip4name
#> 1: 540101  History
#> 2: 540102  History
#> 3: 540103  History
#> 4: 540104  History
#> 5: 540105  History
#> 6: 540106  History
#> 7: 540107  History
#> 8: 540108  History
#> 9: 540199  History
# }