8 MIDFIELD Institute Day 1

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Agenda [link]

8.1 Introductions

  • MIDFIELD Institute introduction [slides]
  • Introduce the midfieldr package [slides]

8.2 Guided practice

The tutorial assumes that

  • You completed the Getting started instructions
  • You have successfully installed the midfielddata package and the midfieldr package. If not, ask for assistance from the facilitators.

8.2.1 Initialize a script

Run your midfield_institute.Rproj to start the R session.

Use File > New File > R Script to create a new R script

  • Name the script 04-getting-started-with-midfieldr.R
  • Save it in the scripts directory
  • Add a minimal header at the top of the script (if you wish) as shown below
# getting started with midfieldr
# name 
# date
  • Use library() to load the packages we will use

Use the pulldown menu labeled Source and select the option Source with echo.

Run the script by clicking the Source button.

If you see an error like this one,

Error in library("pkg_name") : there is no package called 'pkg_name'

then you should install the missing package(s) and run the script again.

[To review how to install an R package]

8.2.2 Getting started with midfieldr

To introduce using the package, we present a brief but thorough example that starts with student unit-record data and concludes with a graphical comparison of program “stickiness” with students grouped by program, race, and sex. Stickiness is the ratio of the number of students graduating from a program to the number ever enrolled in the program (Ohland and others, 2012).

Navigate to the midfieldr webpage and select the Getting started tab.

Starting at the Select programs to study heading, work through the example by

  • Typing a line or chunk of code then File > Save (Copy and paste is also fine.)
  • Source and confirm that your result matches the tutorial result.
  • To learn more about any function or any R object, type a ? in the Console followed by the name of the function or object

8.2.3 Next steps

There should be adequate time for everyone to complete the Guided Practice work.

If you finish early, select the Vignettes pull down menu to explore other functionality of the midfieldr package. These vignettes go into more detail than the getting started introduction.

For each vignette you work on, please consider opening a new R script. For example, you might call the script for the first vignette,

  • 05-identify-programs.R

And the second vignette,

  • 06-select-programs.R

and so on.

As you work on any of these, please feel free to experiment to investigate the data on your own using the vignette as a guide.

8.3 Metaphors and metrics

  • Beyond pipeline and pathways: Ecosystem metrics [slides]

8.4 Defining your questions

  • Defining your questions [slides]

8.5 Self-directed practice